
Editorial │ Vote No on Proposition 33, and Yes on Proposition 34

Santa Cruz Sentinel

September 16, 2024

California voters will be asked this fall to expand rent control with a statewide ballot measure similar to ones they rejected in 2018 and 2020 by 19 and 20 points respectively. The same controversial group, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, apparently has money to burn and is back with a similar measure. Like previous ones, Proposition […]

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No on 33 Campaign Slams Proponents’ Willful Misrepresentation of Vice President Kamala Harris’ Record

Press Release

September 13, 2024

Campaign calls on stations to immediately take down deceptive ad exploiting Vice President’s Image FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASESeptember 13, 2024Contact: Nathan Employing Trumpian tactics of deep fakes and willful deception, the Yes on 33 campaign is once again deliberately misrepresenting Vice President Kamala Harris’ record on key housing issues in a shameful new campaign ad.  […]

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Endorsement: No on Prop. 33. Rent control makes problem worse.

The San Diego Union Tribune

September 13, 2024

For the third time in recent years, state voters are being asked to expand cities’ and counties’ power to control rent. Proposition 33, the latest such measure to make the ballot thanks to the deep pockets of its sponsors, the Los Angeles-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation, would repeal a state law that says local rent control laws can’t be […]

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BREAKING: Kamala Harris Campaign Disavows the Use of VP Harris’ Likeness in New Prop 33 Ad

Press Release

September 6, 2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 6, 2024 Contact: Nathan Click, CALIFORNIA — The Yes on Prop 33 campaign is on its heels this morning after POLITICO reported the Kamala Harris campaign has disavowed the use of the VP’s image in a new campaign ad aimed at tricking voters into supporting the extreme anti-housing initiative Prop 33. “The Harris campaign […]

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NAACP Announces Opposition to Prop 33: “Just Say No”

Press Release

August 15, 2024

NAACP joins the California African American Chamber to emphasize how Prop. 33 hurts Black communities IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 15 , 2024Contact: Nathan SACRAMENTO – Black leaders across California are speaking out against Proposition 33, the anti-housing initiative that will undermine state housing laws while making it harder for California to build the affordable housing we […]

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California Courts Affirm Prop 33 Undermines State Housing & Renter Protections

Press Release

August 13, 2024

Court Rejects AHF challenge and affirms statement “Prop 33 is a Trojan Horse that Overturns State Housing Law” Court separately affirmed state’s finding that some renters would see rent increases under Prop 33 Court also confirmed Prop 33 “weakens renter protections” Judge to opposition during oral arguments: “Do you want to be in fantasy land […]

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23 Mayors across California announce their opposition to Proposition 33

Press Release

August 9, 2024

Democratic and Republican mayors from San Diego to San Jose warn Proposition 33 will make it harder to create more affordable housing – increasing homelessness and making our housing crisis worse IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 8, 2024Contact: Nathan SACRAMENTO –  23 Mayors across California announced their opposition and are speaking out against Proposition 33, the anti-housing […]

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San Jose Mayor Opposes Rent Control Expansion Measure

San Jose Spotlight

August 9, 2024

by Brandon Pho San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan has come out against a November ballot initiative that could vastly expand rent control to cover any type of housing in California. State law has for decades barred cities from limiting rent hikes on single-family homes and apartments built after 1995. Proposition 33 would repeal that law […]

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Todd Gloria Joins Other California Mayors in Opposing Rent Control Proposition 33

Times of San Diego

August 9, 2024

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria and 22 other California mayors announced their opposition Thursday to Proposition 33, calling it an anti-housing initiative. This November, voters will be asked to repeal the Costa-Hawkins law which stops cities from setting rent control on single-family homes or apartments built after 1995. It also allows landlords to set their own rental rates […]

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Bipartisan Coalition of Affordable Housing Advocates, Veterans & Small Business Owners Urge You to Vote NO on Prop 33, the Deceptive Housing Scheme

Press Release

July 9, 2024

California Leaders From Both Parties Agree: Deeply Flawed Prop 33 Will Make Our Housing Crisis Worse California African American Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles Latino Equity and Diversity Initiative, California Housing Consortium and California YIMBY all join coalition opposing Prop 33 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 9, 2024 Contact: Nathan Click, CALIFORNIA – Affordable housing […]

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