Frequently Asked Questions about Prop 33

Does Prop 33 protect tenants?

No, Proposition 33 does not protect tenants and actually undermines the strongest state tenant protection law in the country. A court recently confirmed that Prop 33 will HURT FUTURE TENANTS, leading to higher overall rents for those looking for a place to live.

Will Prop 33 will help solve California’s housing crisis?

No, Prop 33 will not help to solve California's housing crisis but would make California’s housing crisis even worse. Prop 33 would undermine dozens of new laws that make it easier to build housing in California. That means less new housing to help address California’s massive housing shortage. That is the real goal of Prop 33 – to make it harder for California to address its housing crisis, and to roll back years of recent progress we have made to help address that crisis.

Is Prop 33 about tenant protection?

No, Prop 33 is not about tenant protection. We already know that Proposition 33 will in fact harm future tenants by undermining statewide protections and driving up housing costs. The truth is, Prop 33 is being pushed by AHF and their radical, anti-housing CEO Michael Weinstein, who has used the public treasury to fund his anti-housing crusade in communities across the country. While building his own private real estate empire, Weinstein has used public dollars to oppose measures to build more affordable housing in California.

The fact is that Prop 33 has NO PROTECTIONS FOR RENTERS. But don’t take our word for it. That was the recent finding from a Sacramento Superior Court, which dismissed the proponents’ latest efforts to deceive California voters.

Don’t be fooled by the Prop 33 bait and switch. This measure is nothing more than Weinstein’s latest effort to stop the construction of new affordable housing in California.

Is the NO on Prop 33 campaign a MAGA-backed campaign?

No, the NO on Prop 33 campaign is not backed by MAGA. In typical Trumpian fashion, the proponents of Prop 33 are projecting their OWN failings onto their political opponents. Yes on Prop 33 is the only campaign that is secretly funneling money to a political consulting firm run by Trump’s former chief of staff. The campaign has gone to great lengths to hide these ties to prevent voters from seeing who is really profiting from AHF’s Trojan Horse measure. It’s just one more way that Prop 33 is not what is appears to be.

Join Our Coalition

We are a coalition coalition of housing advocates, businesses, renters, landlords, and homeowners who are voting NO on Prop 33.