Campaign calls on stations to immediately take down deceptive ad exploiting Vice President’s Image

September 13, 2024
Contact: Nathan Click

Employing Trumpian tactics of deep fakes and willful deception, the Yes on 33 campaign is once again deliberately misrepresenting Vice President Kamala Harris’ record on key housing issues in a shameful new campaign ad. 

The No on 33 campaign is filing complaints with both the Federal Election Commission and California Fair Political Practices Commission over the ad, and has called on stations around the country to immediately pull the ad off the air. 

The Vice President’s campaign even disavowed the Yes on 33 Campaign’s use of her image in the advertisement, and yet, the Yes on 33 campaign continues to willfully misrepresent her record on middle-class housing. 

The Yes on 33 campaign’s track record of lies about the Vice President was documented in a recent Politico story. The FEC complaint lays out how Harris’ campaign has disavowed AHF’s claims on multiple occasions. The complaint reads, “They did so against Vice President Harris’ interests, exploiting her name, image, and campaign messages without her authorization to falsely suggest that the Vice President supports Proposition 33 when, in fact, Ms. Harris’ campaign has clearly stated that she does not support the ballot measure.” 

The truth is Proposition 33 flies directly in the face of Vice President Harris’ goal to build 3 million new housing units. Proposition 33 would freeze the construction of new affordable housing in California, and would put Vice President Harris’ national middle-class housing plan out of reach. It would give local governments across California new powers to subvert state housing laws, and have a chilling effect on construction of new affordable and market-rate housing across California. MAGA Republicans like Huntington Beach Mayor Tony Strickland have already said they are ready to use these new powers to stop new housing construction. 

Not only would Proposition 33 weaken California’s existing protections for tenants and homeowners, it would undermine California’s dozens of other state housing measures, which would make it harder to build in California.  While masquerading as a rent control measure, Proposition 33 would actually create new loopholes for local governments, allowing them to ignore these laws and block housing California desperately needs.