Prop 33 Is A Deeply Flawed Scheme That Will Increase Housing Costs And Block Affordable Housing! Vote NO!

No on 33

Don’t be fooled by this latest attempt to block more affordable housing. Vote No on Prop 33

Reasons to Vote NO on Prop 33

No on 33

Prop 33 was written and bankrolled by notorious “Slumlord” and Corporate CEO Michael Weinstein of AHF – who has a long history of fighting new housing

No on 33

If Prop 33 seems familiar, it’s because nearly 60% of California voters rejected a nearly-identical anti-housing scheme in 2018 and 2020!

No on 33

Prop 33 is part of a broader, anti-housing agenda. But Prop 33 is even worse. It would effectively overturn more than 100 state housing laws, including laws making it easier to build affordable housing like ADUs

No on 33

Non-Partisan researchers at MIT estimate extreme measures like Prop 33 result in an average reduction in home values of up to 25%

No on 33

Prop 33 contains no specific protections for renters, seniors, veterans, or the disabled

No on 33

Eliminates basic protections for homeowners, allowing bureaucrats and politicians to tell single-family homeowners how much they can charge to rent out a single room

No on 33

The Hidden Agenda

It’s essential to understand that the driving force behind this initiative is Michael Weinstein, the notorious head of AHF. Weinstein’s controversial track record includes diverting pharmaceutical profits away from patient care to fund his political ambitions. These funds have been used to lobby and fund campaigns against affordable housing across California, run schemes to employ elected officials, invest in luxury real estate, and accumulate a vast portfolio of low-income housing complexes, some of which have been criticized as “slums” for poor tenants.

No on 33

What Prop 33 Does

  • Overturns more than 100 state housing laws and weakens the strongest statewide rent stability law in the nation.
  • Grants local governments broad authority to supersede California’s historic statewide renter and unjust eviction protections.
  • Authorizes permanent price controls, even on single-family homes and condominiums.
  • Enables local governments the ability to potentially hinder affordable housing development.
What Prop 33 Does
What Prop 33 Does NOT DO

What Prop 33 Does NOT DO

  • No funding for affordable housing or a requirement that it be built.
  • No specific provisions to reduce rent.
  • No specific protections for renters, seniors, or veterans.
Join Our Coalition

Join Our Coalition

We are a coalition coalition of housing advocates, businesses, renters, landlords, and homeowners who OPPOSE the deceptive Prop 33.

What Those Who Oppose Prop 33 Are Saying

  • “Those of us who have been on the front lines trying to help Californians find safe housing they can afford know that this initiative is as deceptive as it is dangerous. This initiative is one giant loophole that lets some select local governments off the hook for affordable housing and opens the door to erase every inch of progress we've made on housing over the last 20 years. All I can say is don't be fooled.”

    Toni Atkins

    Senate Pro Tem Emerita
  • “Make no mistake about it, this ballot measure will end housing production in California full stop. We will not end the housing crisis unless we build millions of new homes at all levels of affordability. We’ve passed critical new laws to streamline housing construction, protect tenants, and give working families access to affordable, transit-friendly homes, all of which will be in jeopardy if this ballot measure passes. Vote no on this anti-housing measure.”

    Buffy Wicks

    State Assemblymember
  • “Unfortunately, we in Southern California are already too familiar with deceptive legal tactics written by the proponents of this measure. They pretend to protect renters, but their real objective is to stop affordable housing development. This measure is just one more example of that deception – it’s an attempt to invalidate recent state housing laws our members fought for and block the housing California desperately needs. Housing costs won’t come down by blocking housing… the tragedy of homelessness will be solved with more affordable housing… not less.”

    Pete Rodriguez

    United Brotherhood of Carpenters, Western District VP
  • “We're facing a severe housing and homelessness crisis, and this ballot measure will worsen it. It will make it harder to build affordable housing at a time when we need it most, and it will make it more difficult for people experiencing homelessness to find housing.”

    Corey Smith

    Executive Director of Housing Action Coalition
  • “Over the last few years, California has worked hard to create innovative legislation designed to make it easier to build desperately-needed housing. This legislation was supported into place by broad and bi-partisan coalitions made up of builders, developers who specialize in affordable housing, labor, and housing advocates, and the laws are working. The ballot initiative, if passed, would undo this hard work— allowing cities to skirt state rules and avoid building the housing California needs to thrive. Voting “NO” this November is the right thing to do for our State and our people.”

    Jenna Abbott

    Executive Director of California Council for Affordable Housing
  • “Our officers aren't just guardians of public safety—they're our neighbors and vital members of our communities. Prop 33 threatens the very fabric of California. It will halt desperately needed housing construction and slash local government funding by tens of millions annually. This means fewer officers patrolling our streets and making our neighborhoods safe. It also puts affordable housing further out of reach for our brave public safety officers and countless other hardworking Californians. The consequences are clear: Prop 33 is dangerous for public safety, for our communities, and for California's future. That's why PORAC strongly urges all Californians to vote No on Prop 33.”

    Brian Marvel

    President, PORAC

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